Category: <span>Theories</span>

A long theory – in a few words

A long theory – in a few words We don’t do stupid – Common sense, with a little practical emotion mixed in, usually suffices.

without mistakes, I wouldn’t be where I am today …

without mistakes, I wouldn’t be where I am today …

Time is war – napping is my weapon.

Time is war – Time is finite for me – I like to rest.  I have developed habits that preclude me from most of the mainstream.  I love the mainstream, I am pretty good at the mainstream, I want to be part of it but alas, it is always fleeting. I love naps. I start with…

Charlie’s theory on time –

Charlie’s theory on time – I can get up when you get up, but I am not. It’s too early. I will get up when mommie gets up, she is far more realistic. Someone will give me some breakfast.  Then I will rest a bit. I will do some stretching while you do your stretching….

Time may be the enemy

Time is the enemy or is your friend – occasionally it is quite simple. we live by an external clock that says, work time, family time with kids, family time no kids, exercise time, eat time, sleep time and play time.  The funny part is that clock simplifies the random but necessary activities that all people do. It levels…

Time is the premium

Time is the premium, yet when you get the time you have new job, how to spend the time.  It’s a little crazy.

Oct 2015 – build it and they will come – not so much ….

Oct 2015 – build it and they will come – not so much …. Even the best laid plans, both personal and for business, do not matter much if no one wants to play.  These “modern times” are far more work, and whole lot less play.

The story of time – October 1, 2015

The story of time – There are many clocks by which we live, external, internal, work imposed clocks, natural clocks, self imposed clocks, family clocks.  Some clocks are almighty in youth and can be hated … then as you age, they are appreciated and loved. I have had the great fortune of being cognizant of time and then…

Aggravation theory – September 2015

Aggravation theory – September 2015 The goal is win / win  – with enough food produced Time goes by, ingredients languish on the counter .. Stress sets in – layered with doubt – mixed with emotion – slowed by ingredients who are ancillary… Pots, pans are everywhere, mixing bowls, measuring cups … tea spoons, table spoons…

Time theory – Eastham – August 2015

In the early morning at Coast Guard or Nauset, I see “time”.   It is an addictive force, that makes one question all the minutia that goes on.  It pulls me there every morning. For me it became clear.  “Time” is right there … the tide’s relentless march in and out, moving sand, creating and destroying, all at…