Category: <span>Theories</span>

Why does the weather seem so important ? … and why do people of a certain age(who do not ski), stay up north ? …. and why do people get sick of my constant pressure to ditch and go to warmer climates ?

I am in massachusetts, for just a few days and while I was considering my dates the first thing I considered was how sunny ? is it going to be while i’m there … Once I saw the sun icons, I started making plans, kids, siblings, business stuff, plane tickets ohh my ! Second –…

Old Howard Theory, AJ Theory but it still lives. “It is not what you know, but who you know”

While we visited camp for the first time back in July of 23, to close on the house, we were simply playing PB during “open play”. It was fun, enjoyable and Stone Creek has a big group – and they were putting the finishing touches on 8 new courts. About 8 weeks later I went…

I have a few friends, all who have to remain nameless.

Modern dilemma, what many people consider “truth” is really their own personal truth, which is really just opinion. Sad really. It is self defeating, narrow and doesn’t consider there are 2 sides to a conversation, or an argument and that others may be correct or more correct, using actual science, statistics and data. They refuse…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

My comments in WSJ HK Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023I have more – this is shorter but good. 1897 – 2 Irish immigrants get married and have 11 kids. Actually they own a house good, good job, leaves a sizeable estate. No education. Generation 1 – Of 11 kids – 1 is dead at 10…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

Essay | Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023 First thing one should notice in the comments section, mostly men blathering. Women have too much to do, they work at a job, still take better care of the house, and then do more of the child care. Second thing, this is the WSJ, hah. I will try…

Business 101 v2023

“The way I see it, (insert any business) there are four cultural problems,” “They are all the natural consequences of having a money-printing machine called ———— ….. hiding all other sins. The natural consequences are (1) no mission, (2) no urgency, (3) delusions of exceptionalism, (4) mismanagement.” Happens to both employee and management. “ as…

NYT OPINION, Bait words, Men, Respect or Purpose.

This applies and has applied to men and women, forever. French, made it clear that “Walsh” used bait words. The article does have a clear military angle, which only those in the military fully understand. Respect is sometimes a dangerous road, purists, fundamentalists … it could get ugly. Respect, as in kindness, understanding and helpfulness…

Control. Losing control makes one see things a bit clearer.

it’s almost 4 weeks now, no driving, no strenuous exercise, no sneaking off for an ice cream. I couldn’t wait for a car when I was 16, and I can’t wait for one when I’m 58 … holy cow, this is ridiculous. Firstly, Shelley does not drive fast enough… unless she is fighting with a…

ACDF Neck Surgery – a lot of benefits.

Shelley Izzy Everyone else I like visits and visitors I took out an actual watch. I haven’t worn one of these in 10 years. The Howard Theories NVDA pays me back Walks in the woods Smoothies Shelley This is really the Howard Theory on adaptation, appreciation and that “most everything is an opportunity.”

When you’re not sure what to do, start a project.

It was late summer, shadows were long and we just had a dumpster delivered. It was my fault, I’ve been driving a pickup truck and that always has repercussions… as I always bring stuff home in it. Shelley was in tears again, as I emptied the tools into the barn. She said “enough is enough”…