Category: <span>Comments made on WSJ or NYT</span>

WSJ Commments Essay | What Happens When a Whole Generation Never Grows Up?

At first, I wrote a long winded bunch of words .. no need, my close ………….. too many people complain that it’s too hard or expensive, even older people my age or my youngest nephew, complain. It is true they and many other generations were “sold a bill of goods that was not quite right”….

WSJ – Comments … so much fun

My most favorite topic, demographics. I’m the last year, I was born in 64, I had mostly all older siblings and cousins, I cannot believe how easy most of the last 40 years really have been. Thanks to the monster demographic. All the stuff that had to be built created and transformed, the technology, low…

WSJ Comments The biggest Foxes in the country running the largest Hen House ever created . Exclusive | Trump Advisers Seek to Shrink or Eliminate Bank Regulators

WSJ comments – When ‘Middle Age’ Arrives in Your 20s – Sorry it’s good for you.

Being straight forward, when you start having kids, middle age comes fast. No kids, middle age will come later. Moving on. Those feeling it at 37-38 -40, I would opine that, it is a little late. Your best working years, and spending years are 35-55 give or take. They are stressful. Hurry up. Marketing is…

A further update; it appears they would rather have a fox run the chicken house.

…. since most of my friends voted the way they did, I really had to get to the root of what they really were voting on. using my thesis that “you would never let your family do business with him or yourself do business with him or put yourself in a compromising position with him”,…

I may have sorted this out for myself, and why the election went the way it did.

We all live in our own little bubbles and have our own …. biases. I have them. I would never do business with someone who bankrupted over … 6 corporations declaring bankruptcy … closed 15 companies. Many with unpaid contractors …. I understand 1, but more than that is malicious. 2. I would never relate…

WSJ-America’s New Political War Pits Young Men Against Young Women my answer in comments section –

My polling sample is 40+ years of business experience, hiring and firing, and a handful of kids and grand kids, all their friends. – The girls (women) are simply smarter and more mature. They use consideration and then act. They see tomorrows much clearer. This does make them a bit slower, but thought and consideration…

WSJ, section piece on Luck.

My comment – Luck is everywhere. Look in the mirror, consider your life and those closest … honestly. If you believe you are wholly responsible for you success or failure, you likely won’t believe in luck. Without ruffling to many feathers, consider the who, where and when you born and how opportunity really starts. No…

WSJ – retirement – save it or throw it – The Yoders.

Read anything on the Yoder Family and their history, it is a “life well lived ” They will do retirement just the same. Really good. There are 2 schools of thought on stuff, and a whole lot of emotions between. A) Save it all, look at it and smile, great memories. B) Thin it out,…

From WSJ – The Glory Days of Bruce Springsteen, and Me.

Not sure where to start …. 1) First time I heard the music was from my older sister. 2) Great story teller. (That was his job) 3) Good long career. (That was his job) 4) Very good businessman. (That was his job) 5) He is very succinct in the Broadway show. “I made it all…