Category: <span>Comments made on WSJ or NYT</span>

WSJ, section piece on Luck.

My comment – Luck is everywhere. Look in the mirror, consider your life and those closest … honestly. If you believe you are wholly responsible for you success or failure, you likely won’t believe in luck. Without ruffling to many feathers, consider the who, where and when you born and how opportunity really starts. No…

WSJ – retirement – save it or throw it – The Yoders.

Read anything on the Yoder Family and their history, it is a “life well lived ” They will do retirement just the same. Really good. There are 2 schools of thought on stuff, and a whole lot of emotions between. A) Save it all, look at it and smile, great memories. B) Thin it out,…

From WSJ – The Glory Days of Bruce Springsteen, and Me.

Not sure where to start …. 1) First time I heard the music was from my older sister. 2) Great story teller. (That was his job) 3) Good long career. (That was his job) 4) Very good businessman. (That was his job) 5) He is very succinct in the Broadway show. “I made it all…

From NYT opinion piece “The Art of Being a Morning Person (Even if You’re Actually Not One)

Too many of the comments were of a serious nature which always compels me to a strong , but humorous opinion. I saw this at 5 am. Sturbridge4m ago As one of those earlier risers, my bias is simple, “you snooze – you lose. ” Funny part is, I married someone similar and just yesterday,…

I have a few friends, all who have to remain nameless.

Modern dilemma, what many people consider “truth” is really their own personal truth, which is really just opinion. Sad really. It is self defeating, narrow and doesn’t consider there are 2 sides to a conversation, or an argument and that others may be correct or more correct, using actual science, statistics and data. They refuse…

WSJ Retirement section – The Yoder family on having personal space after retiring.

I really enjoy the Yoders. My wife eventually reads these comments, lets see how much trouble I can get in. This is a first world paper/site so forgive me. First we had 2 houses. Then I had a barn. Then she got horses and now she had a barn. I built another barn …. And…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

My comments in WSJ HK Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023I have more – this is shorter but good. 1897 – 2 Irish immigrants get married and have 11 kids. Actually they own a house good, good job, leaves a sizeable estate. No education. Generation 1 – Of 11 kids – 1 is dead at 10…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

Essay | Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023 First thing one should notice in the comments section, mostly men blathering. Women have too much to do, they work at a job, still take better care of the house, and then do more of the child care. Second thing, this is the WSJ, hah. I will try…

NYT _ Why People Are Fleeing Blue Cities for Red States Op Ed.

It’s simple, have 2 houses. Something about 6-7 months and a day ? Vote where you may have the greatest change. Taxes matter, sort of. Honestly, a lot has to do with the weather. The list is quite long for the “reasons people do what they do.” when moving. Good luck, did I mention the…

WSJ – op ed on Hiring over 55’s (yrs old) because they actually work.

I am a former small business operator, and still in touch with many of my former business owner friends. They bemoan the lack of good younger employees. There are more than one or two reasons for quality. … “trophy’s for everyone” et al. I believe the biggest problem is that there is a shortage of…