Author: <span>Howard</span>

most favorite book from childhood through to today…

most favorite book from childhood through to today… “The Giving Tree”    by Shel Silverstein The “Tree” only wants to help, do good and give what it can.  It stays loyal and forgiving.  I honor the tree.

Persistence #2

Almost all difficult tasks in your small business or your life, will succumb to your persistent efforts towards completion.  

#50 the place

#50    Thoreau had Walden, Plato had Greece, Jack T.F. had the back yard, Stephen D. had the farm, Richard B. had the Green chair & AJ Kelley had the back porch in the summer months and the Den if it was to cold. I have a barn or 2. Mainhart has a shed and a…

#34 – play nice

#34   Learn how to “Cooperate” with others, it pays dividends, to you and them.

Fear #3 –

Write down your fears on paper –  writing is cathartic. _ personal  – _ familial – _ business –   This is the first step towards control – now hang on …. Fear, is bad, but by harnessing your fears you gain control – which, by its very nature, is powerful. So, by acknowledging your fears…

Fear – # 2

Operating from fear has a paralyzing affect on your life.  Being afraid to loose something is not a healthy foundation to build on.

Fear – # 1

Lose your fear – Analyze – chew on it – discuss it – act on it – get a result  – then adjust and move forward.  

#3 Who is responsible

3.     Personal responsibility:  as an adult – it is yours to design.  Not too complicated. As a teen it is a little confusing – its friends and parents and yourself. As a child it is the parents job to teach responsibility.  The earlier it starts, the better.

It’s The Lens – …

Don’t be stupid – It’s the Lens through which you look  – That is what sets the stage – Whatever you think you see or understand, be a little skeptical until it clarifies itself. (from the school of mistakes … from which I graduated, again.)

#36 … updated

# 36    Read a Dictionary for fun, (in 2014 this seems funny) lets update # 36 a   Pick some favorite words – using the internet, do a search on them.  Research under general or images or maps.