Author: <span>Howard</span>

Government- what to do ?

I have many friends who think government is the problem, but without its foundational support, it would only be a matter of time before chaos, booms and busts, would ensue. We like to complain about big government, but it’s a necessary evil. If you’re a corporation, getting tax deals, cheap land leases, infrastructure, tax code…

I love NVDA – it has provided a great winter retreat.

Fall 2021 – Leave rustle, fields are mown, firewood is ready to be cut and split.

All is well up at Chips. He has been procrastinating at his favorite chore, brush cutting and weed whacking the stone walls and boulders that dot his families land. He does it so well and thorough that I’m concerned for the day when he tells me its my turn. I have known Chip for a…

Without question, he incited the protestors. The blood, the death, the suicide; all the damage, lays at his feet. To deny otherwise, only disappoints further.

A protest is a good thing; vandalism, trespass and theft is another. When it is a coordinated mayhem event by participants, it becomes insurrection. If it is trying to stop the transfer of power in a democratic, law abiding country, the protest, it’s instigator and many of it participants are now traitors to the entire…

The Mirror Theory

When considering your own life on some sort of a continuum, or are an advisor to many others, or a employer to some, a parent, uncle. I am all. This is an old theory for me, but in the last few years i’ve had to use it several times. Hold a mirror up to the…

It’s been a while.

There has been much to say or note, but as with many things timing is everything. The trees have turned, the projects are winding down or being transferred into capable hands. The major lifting has been completed for 2020. I continue to learn about aging, being benched, new hobbies, new investments – Covid – although…

Pickleball – what entertainment!

An activity in which you get a bit of exercise, improve hand / eye coordination, and have a great many laughs. At first i thought such an activity was a little beneath me. I can be a bit arrogant about things. But as with many enjoyable things in life, if you just give yourself over…

Universal answers don’t really work.

Universal answers don’t really work. People want them, they like the box, the simplicity, the apparent order – people are dumb. Sorry. Universal questions are great.  Think, consider, wonder …  maybe consult. Act.

Harris proves “pragmatic health care”.

Harris proves “pragmatic health care”. He is one of my best mentors, the last one who is alive. Direct, sad, but true. Like me, he understands information gathering, then opinion gathering, keeps an open mind… asks about odds and likely hoods, then moves as quickly as possible. Pragmatic and quick. I’m not sure I could…

A “top 3” howard theory that already had a name – who knew

A howard theory that already had a name – who knew. Regulatory Capture Theory – In Howard terms – put the system to work for you – embrace, learn, accept, go to work. In governmental terms. Individuals, corporations and special interest groups use the laws, the mores, the momentum… that all currently exist, twist them…