Author: <span>Howard</span>

Let’s talk about Stock Options

This is a guessing game for those who like to gamble. I want change the name to Christmas options. Apparently, you are guessing some price, of some stock, is going to go up or down, simply put, no pun intended, you’re gambling with thousands of others, dreaming the same dream, that you might make a…

First world problem- how to vacation while on a vacation.

Our winters in FL are a type of vacation. But you even tire of FL in winter after awhile. We have many FL friends who are 100% retired and a few who do part time stuff like we do. These 100%retirees take vacations from retirement, as being retired is really quite exhausting. All the playing…

Howard’s NSA – Obsession of mental health.

 Full question – is obsessing over your mental health bad for your mental health? It has the word obsession in it. Next Question. Not nice, sorry. Unless an extreme mental heath disorder that fully disrupts your ability to function, you would be better to learn the art of acceptance, the art of forgiveness, and practice…

Howard’s NSA – How to avoid boredom

In no specific order: Well, for the dullards it is quite difficult, as they do not practice good habits and are simply not curious. For bad habit people or adrenaline junkies, they can be drawn from boredom, but not usually in a good and lasting way. For the privileged and 1st worlders, being curious is…

Pickleball – 3 years in.

It happily came upon us like a warm, spring breeze, you feel as if a new lease on life is right around the corner. For those of us who prefer play over work, who prefer small victories over large victories, who like being in the out of doors in all types of weather vs those…

Howard’s NSA – Taking long shots.

This is a Howard Theory already. 50 plus years and going strong. It is the cousin to optimism, pessimism and hope. There is some skepticism mixed in along with a dose of luck. It is a basic part of who we are and how we develop. It can be learned by open minded people. The…

Howard’s NSA – talking about money

Why is it so difficult to talk about money. It really isn’t. We all have the same basic needs of food, clothing and housing, It’s how much you’re willing to spend or waste on said stuff. Thats Want vs Need – another q/a. More psychological, or greed, than anything else. The qualifier is when you’re…

Another Dog story –

I was caught cheating the other day. I have 2 very good dog friends, Parsley and Eddie. They are the current children of our friend MW. We have babysat these 2, walked them, played with and yelled at them, enjoying them fully. Howard and Shelley are dog people. We love them and have had them…

Howard’s NSA – Reward vs Punishment

Which is more powerful ? Reward is more powerful, but not always easy to do; punishment is easy, but it really only has a short term effect and is likely to be harmful when utilized regularly. First reality, this is a power and control issue, a primary vs a secondary. 2 “Party” issue. Secondly, knowledge,…

Howard’s NSA – Happiness

Firstly, it is always fleeting and impossible to keep. It naturally ebbs and flows. It ultimately even disappoints a little. I much prefer foundational theories like Satisfaction. Understanding that, seems much wiser. To be satisfied in your work or play, is quietly enjoyable, you win some, you lose some, you make a few dollars, occasionally…