We have very strong routines, very strong styles, discipline and rarely get caught in the weeds of life. Shelley and Howard are 2 peas in a pod who, without previous conversation, can get to the “quick”, … sort the moment, comment, and execute all within a short time.

We laugh about it sometimes, grind our teeth at other times, but we cannot seem to play by the traditional, the orderly, the 123 abc.

We like an early morning, we like exercise, wordle, the stock market, pickleball and a little golf, we like an early lunch … errands, going to the dump, we like to text or converse with friends and family from the warmth of our FL winters. We like an after-dinner walk to the mailbox. We like to go to bed early, we start in the same room, then I move out. We like separate bedrooms for the second half of the night.

The other evening, as we went out the door for a walk, one of us said, another beautiful sunset, the other agreed and said too bad our parents couldn’t see this, they agreed, “too bad so & so ” couldn’t get their act together and make it down …. Our wish is for all people we know, to have an easier, wiser way and be open to a little change.

We have been fortunate to be able to do the things that people always claim they want to do …. be warm, when its cold, be at the beach in the summer, hike in the woods in fall, play when you want, kids, grand kids, animals of all sorts, to complete the picture; work when it’s necessary, eat good, really, really good and just be free and unencumbered by a lot of what drags most people down. We are 35 years in, we’re not over the top or wealthy, but we are disciplined, love small pleasures and like the work of life.
It’s been a bit of a fairy tale, and we are not done writing.