Category: <span>Theories</span>

Business History 2

BH -2 by WB ” “If you’re looking for a manager you want someone who is intelligent, energetic, and moral,” said Buffet. “But if they don’t have the last one, you don’t want them to have the first two.” A moral compass is #1.

Business History 1

” the former oil minister Sheikh Yamani, who said back in 2000 that the Stone Age did not end for a lack of stones, and the oil age will not end for a lack of oil.” Those working for him at the time interpreted this as a warning to about the pursuit of high oil prices: namely, that it…

#911 When all else fails

#911 When all else fails, Call Rob.

Days are longer, brighter and all is right with the world.

Days are longer, brighter and all is right with the world.   I write this on the short days at the end of November, I am hopeful.

March is a double edged sword

March is a double edged sword

it all seems random, until you think about it

it all seems random, until you think about it

“Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.”

The historian and sociologist Lewis Mumford said, “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.” I cannot say this statement is fully accurate, because, they are baby steps when compared to those who step away from a generational homeland, ie … my great grand father, Michael J. Kelley, (Kelly), who came from Boherlahan Parish,…

Time in December

Time in December – When you are young, December time is anticipation. When you are early adult, December time is about understanding. When you are middle aged, December time is for a wide amount of enjoyment and expense. When you are older middle age,  December time is moderate enjoyment, but less expense. When you are old,…

Time – the days are so short.

Time – the days are so short. It all starts sometime at the at the end of June. 30 seconds less here and 45 seconds there, by August it is multiple minutes, then late September it becomes a race against time and bam, its November, it’s dark at 4:30.  I have an internal clock, which I very…

a second long theory – in a few words

a second long theory – in a few words We do wasteful. Because we can. Not so proud of it, but.