Category: <span>Theories</span>

A good old fashioned ramble. Hang on.

Blame, (praise), for this ramble, resides at the feet of Robert Sapolsky, Stanford … or Chip Silvestri, Sturbridge. Maybe somewhere in between.Why is one persons life so much more wonderful or difficult than another persons life, given the same ingredient mixtures. Some prevail because of and some stumble because of. It may very well be…

Freakonomics Radio / People I mostly admire – On changing ones mind – Robert Sapolsky, on free will

Commenting has become my newest semi-retirement hobby.  Sapolsky’s ability to do the science, practice the art, talk out both sides of his mouth is the living proof of life.  The more public / popular a person is at any given moment in time, cannot speak in pure honesty, it is always nuanced to that moment.  It seems to…

Arlo ….

Control, Sports Analogies and Life. This is a ramble, hang on.

I was on the golf course the other day, playing with a know-it-all. It’s an individual sport. It’s not really the wind or the club or the ball. I play Pickleball regularly with random players, PB is a partner sport. So, it’s a little about you and a little about them and then there are…

The great resignation, again.

Work is a wonderful part of life, it gives some purpose and some income. It helps one afford to do the standard stuff. It’s the 40 year unwind of work, work, work, spend, spend, spend. … And lets blame all the baby boomers retiring. They always shook things up. My father once said ”do work…

Let’s talk about Stock Options

This is a guessing game for those who like to gamble. I want change the name to Christmas options. Apparently, you are guessing some price, of some stock, is going to go up or down, simply put, no pun intended, you’re gambling with thousands of others, dreaming the same dream, that you might make a…

First world problem- how to vacation while on a vacation.

Our winters in FL are a type of vacation. But you even tire of FL in winter after awhile. We have many FL friends who are 100% retired and a few who do part time stuff like we do. These 100%retirees take vacations from retirement, as being retired is really quite exhausting. All the playing…

How to get to someones core beliefs quickly and determine ”how friendly do you want to be.”

We’re old now .. and this is definitely a Howard Theory. When you know most of these answers from someone, you have a good idea as to how solid a human being they are; What qualities they operate by. Are they trusting? Do they operate with skepticism ? Forgiving ? Is their head in the…

These are my Theories. They are rooted in a life well lived, at least I think so. They operate on the ROI platform and have done so for almost 50 years. Originally done for my entertainment, for my kids, and then a long line of others who gave me their theories. These are real and lived. My latest hobby, WSJ and NYT Comments … It is fun playing judge and jury.

(Such a first world way to live, embarrassing)

The Mirror Theory

When considering your own life on some sort of a continuum, or are an advisor to many others, or a employer to some, a parent, uncle. I am all. This is an old theory for me, but in the last few years i’ve had to use it several times. Hold a mirror up to the…