Category: <span>Theories</span>

Adaptability, Age and Pickleball.

As I get older and older …. This is my birthday week …. I have begun to really like this word. It says “easy going, flexible, able to adjust” It also says, “Change it up, I’ll consider it …. give it a try, move forward. In Pickleball context, gauge the competition …. sometimes you slam,…

Extroverts vs. Introverts both are self fulfilling prophecies. Know your nature, develop what you can and accept the rest.

Extroverts – Gain energy by spending time with othersHearing and giving opinions with lots of failure. Talk to anyone and think out loudGlass almost always half fullGenerally more outgoing and friendlyBeing alone is good for a short time, then depressing. Introverts Social introvert. Private lifestyle choiceThinking introvert. Thinking introverts are quiet-genius types.Anxious introvert. Always wondering…

Supreme court

Gun rights, are more powerful than a woman’s right to control her own choices. Seriously ? Supreme court justices are as critical to presidential races, as is any other topic. “Rights” are why every one, mostly clamors to live in the US, and then we do this. Lets see what happens with the EPA. Why…

From the WSJ – ‘A Conversation with Humility and Grace’.

simply brilliant HUMILITY: You go first. GRACE: No, you. I insist. HUMILITY: You always have to be the gracious one. GRACE: It’s my name! HUMILITY: OK fine. (Long pause) I guess I would start by saying it’s been a tough bunch of years. GRACE: You can say that again. HUMILITY: It’s been a tough bunch…

From NYT comments – On Anticipation / Happiness

Looking forward to something can be almost as good as experiencing it. Whatttt ! I have begun to think more simply and accept some people can only be or do or see in a tighter range. Happiness is all relative. My last 4 years of part time avocation work has put me in touch with…

Dilbert on Howard …

Dilbert – on management


I’ve always wondered how a poem starts, and then finishes in such a way that it gets considered to be a good poem. I’m not sure I even like poetry, it seems full of itself, contrite and arrogant all at once. Occasionally, I listen to poetry, however, it is listening to a good speaker, roll…

Arlo … i mean howard .. uhh Arlo. Actually every body.

Happy Mothers Day ! – who is kidding who, the world does not work right without them. There is nothing else to say. They win.