Category: <span>Theories</span>


New Year, new plan – “more is always better when it has purpose” “more without purpose is simply work” “effort + energy = profit”  –  make sure the profit is worth it.

# 169

#169 – I do not believe it to be work …  if you are happy and eager at the start, happy and getting tired in the middle and happy and exhausted at the end. Really just a hobby masquerading as work. Pozer –

Religion –

Religion  –   Karma almost always beats Dogma. (once again a little”gray”, I used the word almost always, there just never seems to be an always.)

Charlie & Chip – who is taking who, for a walk ?

Charlie arrived late last fall around Christmas, you can read about it in an earlier story.   Definitely a gift. This story is how a dog can allow you to make excuses, spend thousands, create friendships and otherwise make you happy. This property had trails, destination points, it went up and down and all around, it…

We are predictably irrational … over and over.

We are predictably irrational … over and over.  If you step back, look at your life and its decisions, it becomes obvious.  It is having control of your irrational predictability that allows growth over stagnation. I have used this type of thought process over and over and never knew it had a name.  Growing something, Selling something, stealing…

# 52 & 53 – Natures drug therapy

Athletic activity is good for the heart and soul.  Get up & do something physical  (this was written way before Stents) AA version ….    move a muscle –  change a thought.  


We gamble all the time and do not realize we are doing it.  We place bets every morning, throughout the entire day,  with some unwritten understanding there is going to be a payout for our actions. Payouts – a thank you a reciprocation of effort and kindness appreciation through smile or touch financial admiration of work…

Persistence #3 “True Grit”

Persistence – Having the internal Grit – to plan, execute and complete the task at hand – usually long term with follow through. It allows for adjustment and change and creates successful outcomes. This “Grit”  trumps the family you were born into, rich or poor, your skill sets or IQ, this trumps friends or religion…

to turn 50 …

to turn 50 … It has been about a month, I actually turned 50 in mid July… No fanfare.  Normally the big birthdays are a party, but by the 5th person asking SK about a party, well that was the end, no party.  She would not have any of that.  We may have my 50th…

most favorite book from childhood through to today…

most favorite book from childhood through to today… “The Giving Tree”    by Shel Silverstein The “Tree” only wants to help, do good and give what it can.  It stays loyal and forgiving.  I honor the tree.