Category: <span>Short Stories</span>

April 2, 2022 – I have been home for a week.

Here are a few observations – Being home from Florida at the end of march isn’t that smart, too cold and gray. Being in the house you own, keeps you busier than in the one you rent. Being closer to friends and family is quite nice. I do not exercise regularly here for some reason….

First world problem- how to vacation while on a vacation.

Our winters in FL are a type of vacation. But you even tire of FL in winter after awhile. We have many FL friends who are 100% retired and a few who do part time stuff like we do. These 100%retirees take vacations from retirement, as being retired is really quite exhausting. All the playing…

Pickleball – 3 years in.

It happily came upon us like a warm, spring breeze, you feel as if a new lease on life is right around the corner. For those of us who prefer play over work, who prefer small victories over large victories, who like being in the out of doors in all types of weather vs those…

Another Dog story –

I was caught cheating the other day. I have 2 very good dog friends, Parsley and Eddie. They are the current children of our friend MW. We have babysat these 2, walked them, played with and yelled at them, enjoying them fully. Howard and Shelley are dog people. We love them and have had them…

Fall 2021 – Leave rustle, fields are mown, firewood is ready to be cut and split.

All is well up at Chips. He has been procrastinating at his favorite chore, brush cutting and weed whacking the stone walls and boulders that dot his families land. He does it so well and thorough that I’m concerned for the day when he tells me its my turn. I have known Chip for a…

Pickleball – what entertainment!

An activity in which you get a bit of exercise, improve hand / eye coordination, and have a great many laughs. At first i thought such an activity was a little beneath me. I can be a bit arrogant about things. But as with many enjoyable things in life, if you just give yourself over…

Charlie – who saved who … continues. December 9, 2018 update.

Charlie – Once upon a time there was a Border Collie named Charlie.  He had a rough time early on in his canine career.   He was a scrappy little fighter who loved people but hated other dogs.  He originally lived in a Condo, with a cat, instead of on a farm, where most border collies need…

Barn Theories – 5 months in.

Barn Theories – 4.5 months in. In May, heat will still be necessary. Who said you you can’t have a Temper-pedic in a barn. You still need the internet. You need a vacuum and a broom. Even in a barn, you still need to take your dirty sneakers off. Having a desk is key.  On…

The Box, A Barn Life –

Barn Life –  It came to him in Eastham.  Firmed up in Cedar Key. Built in Sturbridge It was the summer of 2015, they had been on Cape Cod for many vacations, but last summer and this summer they were full time residents.  They were seriously considering a permanent move, just some details to workout….

Living on a dirt road – Most beautiful.

Living on a dirt road – The fall may be its most beautiful.  The leaves act like a colorful new jacket as they cover the patch of earth between two very old stone walls. Occasionally if the truck is going fast enough, there will be 2 tire tracks that invite you up the hill to…