Author: <span>Howard</span>

Howard’s NSA – Topic from NSQ -Are Humans Smarter or Stupider Than We Used to Be?

Yes. Next. So fun. Simply stated, I believe we are smarter, but not wiser. Just because one has facts, or information, or even further, access to information, it only gets you partially down the road. This is the cousin to iq / eq / ei questions. Also related to the curiosity questions, and likely several…

A moment of gratitude, a moment of sadness and then a moment of sharing. I close out again with gratitude.

We have very strong routines, very strong styles, discipline and rarely get caught in the weeds of life. Shelley and Howard are 2 peas in a pod who, without previous conversation, can get to the “quick”, … sort the moment, comment, and execute all within a short time. We laugh about it sometimes, grind our…

WSJ comment to a ”great resignation opinion piece.”

HK After reading the opinion piece and the comments;   4 hours ago, I wrote “it is clear there isn’t 1 problem, but several problems.”    Then 4 hours later I keep reading comments mostly of the “either / or ”  scenario.  People can be so dumb. my HT answer posted. There are multiple answers to…

Control, Sports Analogies and Life. This is a ramble, hang on.

I was on the golf course the other day, playing with a know-it-all. It’s an individual sport. It’s not really the wind or the club or the ball. I play Pickleball regularly with random players, PB is a partner sport. So, it’s a little about you and a little about them and then there are…

Howard’s NSA -NSQ on retirement

My favorite topic – A HT forever, since I took my first job at 19. Much easier to do, than people think. Part time work or endeavor, on something you enjoy, with people you like, that keeps you thinking and your brain working. Then getting paid for it, in some token way. When I tried…

The great resignation, again.

Work is a wonderful part of life, it gives some purpose and some income. It helps one afford to do the standard stuff. It’s the 40 year unwind of work, work, work, spend, spend, spend. … And lets blame all the baby boomers retiring. They always shook things up. My father once said ”do work…

Howard’s NSA -in a Job interview, does timing matter.

This is already a Howard Theory. And an important one. Who cares about a job, there are thousands of those. Master timing, while learning a skill and see what happens. Timing has elements everywhere. It’s familial, personal, play related, work related and then death related. This element of “timing” is a base habit of a…

Just read an abbreviated, say 2000 year, history of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Never mind russia, not much can be done. Even Western Europe. All those borders have never stayed the same for very long, ever. Next chance they get, they should emigrate. I hear the USA is pretty good.

My notes sent to the comments section of the WSJ and NYT.

Another article on the great job resignation and migration. I cannot help myself from throwing my 2 cents or fan a flame. NYT. …… Something funny happened to me yesterday, I felt as if I worked, like I had a job, a responsibility. 7 hours that will not come back.Being a semi-retired person awhile now,…

Just a note, Pickleball has made front page of NYT. Joy, fun, competitiveness, all rolled into one game. A game to 11, win by 2.