Author: <span>Howard</span>

WSJ article – who are the people in the old photographs ?

Pictures are wonderful… let’s thank those who put the names and dates. There is almost always someone in the family who cares, some where, to carry forward. The pictures aren’t really just about the “now”, they are the line that goes back in time and carries forward. Lest you forget the world we live and…

Pickleball is great once again … I already miss my FL PB friends and I haven’t left yet.

We are starting our winter 2022 wind down. Only 2 weeks until our first trek back to MA. I like to drive, see some backroads, small towns etc… It rare that the 3 of us actually play together often as PB sorting doesn’t work so smoothly. We can have anyone as a fourth …. as…

WSJ COMMENT SECTION, Another HK comment ..

Article title: Part-time Retirement Programs. Firstly, it is a demographics issue, more retiring than coming on in. Second, easier to have the old train the new in the basics. Third, unless you are active, retirement can be a bit boring. Fourth, a little work aggravation, that you don’t have to really care about is great….

WSJ – Article lead, Tom Brady not ready for Pickleball. PB is everywhere, Hurry up Tom, we’re waiting.

Hurry up Tom, we’re waiting, PB wants you. Watch some videos on YouTube. I’m sure your hand eye coordination is pretty good. We have courts in Ocala FL, and Sturbridge MA. I’ll get a few guys, my wife will take on anyone, bring the kids, we have a pool. Good times .. Good times.

Oil … We just crossed the Permian Basin, twice.

Thanks to Vlad, crude oil or more directly “ the oil market” … oil has gone through the roof. Since it is the secret sauce to everything, I have few opinions, a recommendation, and a reality check. First the reality, the players, there’s the raw material, then secondly an ”oil marketplace,(traders)”, thirdly there is over-dependence…

We are back from 12 days on the road. This is a pretty nice country. It makes you appreciate what our government has done for us.

It really should be a prerequisite that everyone takes road trips to see other parts of the country. They should have a few conversations, with people from that area. It will not be easy, but the rewards will be pretty great. There are far more straight forward people, regular people, working people, than any other…

Howard’s NSA on Enthusiasm and Self Improvement.

Been there and done that in the Howard Theories … Enthusiasm is only a part, a token motivator to help you or your tribe get somewhere. It is needed most of the time, as in ingredient, and almost always necessary to push “ just a little farther“. They call it zest, as in one has…

Arlo ….

Traveling for a week, from FL to AZ. Pickleball plays a pivotal roll again.

We have had a spectacular time … too much to write at the moment. I’ll leave you with how PB allows you to make new friends at a moments notice. We spent the morning roaming the Saguaro National Park in Tucson. There are really no words to use, that give enough thanks, to the Park…

Howard’s NSA – on NSQ Tribalism

Tribalism seems trite and cute to the well balanced, the even keeled and “wise ones”. Think Soccer and football. However Russia just invaded Ukraine, Tribalism or Nationalism will now come right into play. Tribalism seems to be built into the human existence and is a necessity at times of war, tragedy and support. The kicker…