Author: <span>Howard</span>

Comment to NYT on “wealth from nothing in america” isn’t always a pleasant story.

A little fortunate by birth, opportunistic, hardworking and diligent, a self serving, or self preserving personality, to move himself forward. (American Traits.) Willing to compromise, to see opportunity, to cross an ocean by age 20 and then back. To find himself in the favor of local, then regional government. A British government. Then an American…

A ramble on Burns and Franklin.

I thought I knew Ben Franklin, but I was wrong. The documentary told 2 stories that were in conflict the entire time. I really had to watch parts of it twice, before I could accept him. In many ways, he is no more than an selfish opportunist, in other ways a pragmatist who tries to…

Arlo & Janis – they were a mirror.

When wood meets chainsaw and art is made. Thank Robbie.

April 2, 2022 – I have been home for a week.

Here are a few observations – Being home from Florida at the end of march isn’t that smart, too cold and gray. Being in the house you own, keeps you busier than in the one you rent. Being closer to friends and family is quite nice. I do not exercise regularly here for some reason….

H’s NSA for NSQ – Does one need a Muse for creativity ?

The Howard Theories has already done this one. There are Muse’s everywhere… My life is the Muse. I wanted a good story … We just want everyone to have a good story, so live it. It really is that easy. Furthermore – it is not just creative thinking, that is too simplistic. You will “find…

72 Hours back in New England –

The region reigns supreme, too bad its cold and windy. There are some who will tell you “it makes them stronger, more resilient”, I on the other hand, think that’s just a little rationalization. It makes us feel better, that “we can handle it.” Psychology 101 The reality couldn’t be further from that. 55 degrees…

A good old fashioned ramble. Hang on.

Blame, (praise), for this ramble, resides at the feet of Robert Sapolsky, Stanford … or Chip Silvestri, Sturbridge. Maybe somewhere in between.Why is one persons life so much more wonderful or difficult than another persons life, given the same ingredient mixtures. Some prevail because of and some stumble because of. It may very well be…

Freakonomics Radio / People I mostly admire – On changing ones mind – Robert Sapolsky, on free will

Commenting has become my newest semi-retirement hobby.  Sapolsky’s ability to do the science, practice the art, talk out both sides of his mouth is the living proof of life.  The more public / popular a person is at any given moment in time, cannot speak in pure honesty, it is always nuanced to that moment.  It seems to…

Chip Sylvesteri. Standing by a 1963 Ford 2000. Originally owned by the Paine family, Millis, MA. Howard Kelley once worked for them and was able to bring the tractor back into the fold. Howard and Chip are neighbors. They are each other’s muse for what is right and wrong with the world.

Chip October 2021