Author: <span>Howard</span>

I have a few friends, all who have to remain nameless.

Modern dilemma, what many people consider “truth” is really their own personal truth, which is really just opinion. Sad really. It is self defeating, narrow and doesn’t consider there are 2 sides to a conversation, or an argument and that others may be correct or more correct, using actual science, statistics and data. They refuse…

Living with one foot in the past and one in the future, and back again.

I like living with the dinosaurs every now and again. I mean that lovingly, with admiration, kindness and honor. I was planning a march Florida run with just 2 goals, see how the new house was progressing and see my 93 year old Aunt. She is my mothers sister. My mother passed away in her…

WSJ Retirement section – The Yoder family on having personal space after retiring.

I really enjoy the Yoders. My wife eventually reads these comments, lets see how much trouble I can get in. This is a first world paper/site so forgive me. First we had 2 houses. Then I had a barn. Then she got horses and now she had a barn. I built another barn …. And…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

My comments in WSJ HK Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023I have more – this is shorter but good. 1897 – 2 Irish immigrants get married and have 11 kids. Actually they own a house good, good job, leaves a sizeable estate. No education. Generation 1 – Of 11 kids – 1 is dead at 10…

WSJ Why Americans Are Having Fewer Babies 

Essay | Howard Kelley 29 May, 2023 First thing one should notice in the comments section, mostly men blathering. Women have too much to do, they work at a job, still take better care of the house, and then do more of the child care. Second thing, this is the WSJ, hah. I will try…

NYT _ Why People Are Fleeing Blue Cities for Red States Op Ed.

It’s simple, have 2 houses. Something about 6-7 months and a day ? Vote where you may have the greatest change. Taxes matter, sort of. Honestly, a lot has to do with the weather. The list is quite long for the “reasons people do what they do.” when moving. Good luck, did I mention the…

WSJ – op ed on Hiring over 55’s (yrs old) because they actually work.

I am a former small business operator, and still in touch with many of my former business owner friends. They bemoan the lack of good younger employees. There are more than one or two reasons for quality. … “trophy’s for everyone” et al. I believe the biggest problem is that there is a shortage of…

NYT – What Friendship Means to an Introvert

I am a closeted introvert and public extrovert. Haa – what a Howard theory. Talking out of both sides of his mouth again. from 3:30’ish am, … until sometime around 7am – Introvert. Selfishly So. (it may be my CT genes) from 7’ish until 3’ish huge extrovert, almost a chatty, busy body, who likes to…

Good Old Chip.

Chip October 2021 Chip has been a primary character in the “Tales of Sturbridge” I have yet to write the tales … but Chip will be front and center.

Business 101 v2023

“The way I see it, (insert any business) there are four cultural problems,” “They are all the natural consequences of having a money-printing machine called ———— ….. hiding all other sins. The natural consequences are (1) no mission, (2) no urgency, (3) delusions of exceptionalism, (4) mismanagement.” Happens to both employee and management. “ as…