Author: <span>Howard</span>

New House Theory #2

New House Theory #2 – When you put 5 – 6 guys together, a whole pile of sticks, foam, shingles and windows together and the weather cooperates, magic can happen. Team work based on individual strengths is really art in motion.  (seriously)

Birthday Theory –

Birthday Theory –  Birthdays should be celebrated.  Simple.  Happy Birthday Howard !

RML Theories

RML Theories What is the SOP on this ?  …. this is a moving target Can’t teach this stuff  (w/sarcasm) ….   “when the obvious is completed” All else fails, yell Andy’s name, it seems to make everyone feel better.  Thankfully Andy is good natured. The team – Bob – Chairman, he is happy he…

Scrapper Management Theory

( I do not subscribe to this theory.  I have seen this theory in action as a way of life for some, I’ve seen the damage.)   Scrapper Management Theory: A willingness to lie to oneself; to delude, distort or otherwise self-protect with malice. To knowingly, willingly have the ability to lie, deceive and ultimately…

Gap Year Theory by blunt force.. 2015 – 2017

Gap Year Theory. By blunt force.   2015 – 2017  – This is a forced theory, I am calling it Gap Years for entertainment purposes and good old rationalization. It always starts with some type of trauma. The trauma needs to be of the over whelming type, ie. health, children, spouse, family or work. It…

New House Theory

New House Theory It is awesome the first time… not as much the second. When I was 30 and loaded with energy it was exceptional. When I am 52, I need a nap. I prefer the warmth of FL, but we are there too early. I am creating a vacation Theory, as an off shoot…

Marriage Theory # 4

Marriage Theory # 4  –  Show up early, work hard, clear the trees, you think its all set, the proverbial foundation is in, the engineering is done.  You stand back, do one more review, all seems good. Boss shows up – simply says  “You are on the wrong lot”

Living on a dirt road – Most beautiful.

Living on a dirt road – The fall may be its most beautiful.  The leaves act like a colorful new jacket as they cover the patch of earth between two very old stone walls. Occasionally if the truck is going fast enough, there will be 2 tire tracks that invite you up the hill to…

Mud Season and listening to others, 2017 – JR McKenna

“When you live your life believing that everyone else could be wrong you must, on occassion, accept that everyone else might actually be correct.” “It is said that the only thing worse than being to late is to be too early.  Never is more true when being early means coming home to Mud Season in…

March Theory – FL vs NE

March Theory – FL style It’s mostly 70’s low 80’s during the day and 50’s at night. Ocassionally it rains, gets windy and cold – like 60 for a high and 38 for a low. NE – 10 – 30 at night and 30-50 degrees daytime – Hmm.