Author: <span>Howard</span>

In sickness and in Health

In sickness and in Health – we make vows, most are easy, however the 10 pounds I have gained this past winter make me question …

DJT theory

DJT theory: It is like the parent who says the trip will be great, just like “back when” …  we’ll do this, we’ll do that, we’ll stop here and there, it will be wonderful.  When we get to our destination we’ll be on top again.  It feels good, doesn’t it ? I understand why they…

Time Theory, What 4 months can prove.

Time Theory, What 4 months can prove. As fast and as smart as one thinks they are … There are truths. Health is everything. Youth full exuberance or blissful ignorance is important. Families change and change is good. Money is double edged sword. Winter is long. Spring better hurry up.

Updates from the shipping container –

The best books might be kids books – The Giving tree – Good Night Moon – Anything by Virginia Lee Burton – …. and now it is your Life Story and it is you who plays the leading role. The stage is set, the time is now, and the place is wherever you are. Each…

… then she said “This is how “Guest Barns” are formed”

We have downsized 3 times already. It all fit primarily in only one shipping container. We have already given, sold, donated and “dumpstered”   a lot of stuff. The Barn, aka Howards folly, aka the big box, where the little box lives, is becoming the 2017 mini version of the 1940 guest barn. Too good to…

Barn Theories – 5 months in.

Barn Theories – 4.5 months in. In May, heat will still be necessary. Who said you you can’t have a Temper-pedic in a barn. You still need the internet. You need a vacuum and a broom. Even in a barn, you still need to take your dirty sneakers off. Having a desk is key.  On…

New House Theory 4, 5 and 6 –

New House Theory 4, 5 and 6 – 4 – Too many ideas, too many people = not enough work completed. 5 – Traditional contractors don’t like to listen, CL contractors usually have an issue or 2 – Both types are only willing work so much. 6 – Owners, through the power checkbook management, slow…

New House Theory #3

Putting 5 or 6 carpenters together with a lot of sticks and foam together, then add and engineer, a dirt guy, someone from the building dept., electrical dept, conservation, the dumpster, 4 tradesmen, a half baked set of plans, an owner with time … dozens of loads of sand and stone. Results – working chaos,…

Theory of next. 2017

The “Theory of next” is a double edged sword. I love the theory, “next, new and more”, it gets you further, better and creates experiences you otherwise would not have.  (Glory) I hate the theory, next and new is always short lived, like a drug.  (I am addict) “More”, is only that, more.  (This, I…

The Box, A Barn Life –

Barn Life –  It came to him in Eastham.  Firmed up in Cedar Key. Built in Sturbridge It was the summer of 2015, they had been on Cape Cod for many vacations, but last summer and this summer they were full time residents.  They were seriously considering a permanent move, just some details to workout….