Author: <span>Howard</span>

Howard’s NSA – Friends and their influence.

There is a short period of time where friends exert their greatest power. However as we age “friendship strength” has many pragmatic conditions woven in. When you’re young, you are heavily influenced and therefore, are judged by the company you keep. You’re simply naive and a little dumb or brilliant. When you age it smells…

Howard’s NSA – Optimism

Life is so much easier when you are optimistic, seeing the world with an open mind, a flexibility. Using reason and trying to understand first and then act. When you are a pessimist, you start burdened, like carrying a weight up a hill, in heavy boots. I think it’s a choice that has to be…

A 5 day turn, from a weather perspective, 4 days too many. From seeing everyone, not nearly enough days.

Comments to WSJ article – I studied and taught about retirement for 40 years. Then I retired.

HKHoward Kelley27 October, 2021Here is  what you can do in retirement, write a comment to any good WSJ, Boston Globe or NYT article …. then forget that you did so ….    Come back see the article again, start to read it, then remember that you read it, then realize you wrote a comment already. …

How to get to someones core beliefs quickly and determine ”how friendly do you want to be.”

We’re old now .. and this is definitely a Howard Theory. When you know most of these answers from someone, you have a good idea as to how solid a human being they are; What qualities they operate by. Are they trusting? Do they operate with skepticism ? Forgiving ? Is their head in the…

NVDA has left me at the dance, greed has got me again.

Howard’s NSA – Grit

Have a desire and wish, that is big picture and long term – attain some of the skills, study and practice – then don’t stop working at it. The first parts are fairly easy to do, the grit says “do not quit”. Already a Howard theory. Live and be deliberate – Be the ball and…

These are my Theories. They are rooted in a life well lived, at least I think so. They operate on the ROI platform and have done so for almost 50 years. Originally done for my entertainment, for my kids, and then a long line of others who gave me their theories. These are real and lived. My latest hobby, WSJ and NYT Comments … It is fun playing judge and jury.

(Such a first world way to live, embarrassing)

NVDA is still my friend, but I’m suspicious.

Affirmative Action Works-

The policy is not reverse discrimination. For many, it is the aid and balance, to minority persons and their needs, who have been under represented and kept down by institutions, both governmental and commercial, for the history of the US. The American experiment at its foundation was freedom from harm and tyranny. Equality under the…