Not sure where to start ….

1) First time I heard the music was from my older sister.

2) Great story teller. (That was his job)

3) Good long career. (That was his job)

4) Very good businessman. (That was his job)

5) He is very succinct in the Broadway show. “I made it all up” and … “when you are young and have some thing say, the pages in the notebook are empty but when you are older …. and the notebooks are full, a lot like life. (not verbatim)

6) The only shows I would ever go to, and take my kid. (Those shows are work sites .. great example of giving your all, no one could say he / crew doesn’t work hard. He just picked the right career path.)

7) Politics … we all have politics, we all talk from both side of our mouths, 350 years strong.

Lastly – He so married the right woman. ( This should really be #3, because everything after that, is not possible without a great partner.)

All in all, he did good and his parents were proud and his kids don’t hate him. Thanks.