It really should be a prerequisite that everyone takes road trips to see other parts of the country. They should have a few conversations, with people from that area. It will not be easy, but the rewards will be pretty great.

There are far more straight forward people, regular people, working people, than any other type. They are all over the place. I spoke to them in gas stations, restaurants, grocery stores, a laundromat and pickleball courts.

These are not the beautiful people, the elites, the political left or right. These are not the righteous, “I made it … so can you, just work harder … ” either.

These people work, toil, and thrive and survive. They all seemed to be the workers who do the bottom half of the economy really, really well. It is very clear to me that they also don’t hate it all that much. They just accept. It is supremely clear to me that without them the US economy would likely slow way down.

They make stuff, manufacture, service and take care of things that no elite or righteous small business owner sob could ever do. The high and mighty … might even think, whats wrong with these people ??

Nothing is wrong, they just do what needs to be done, grin and bear it. I was impressed and very thankful that we have them. It is similar to the scientists, I’m very thankful for them, to work blindly on things that someday will prove beneficial.

I really appreciate the US government for providing a road system, an enterprise system, water systems, financial or banking systems, a park system, a backbone that allows there to be a working America.

We all live in too small a bubble, and drink our own kool-aide all too easily.

Go see how others live so you can appreciate and understand better.