After reading the opinion piece and the comments;   4 hours ago, I wrote “it is clear there isn’t 1 problem, but several problems.”    Then 4 hours later I keep reading comments mostly of the “either / or ”  scenario.  People can be so dumb.

my HT answer posted.

There are multiple answers to the multiple problems.  Nothing is black and white and simple.   Once upon a time life was short, religion was strong and hard work was virtuous.   Or so we were told. But live a  long time, live through war, booms/busts and have infinite information at your finger tips, marry, have some kids, bury your parents and life gets clearer and clearer.    You end up jaded one way or another,  You either say “what’s in it for me ?” or you say  “what can  I give back?”  or maybe you just quietly move on and say “that’s good enough”.

My March add on, that no one will admit, “no one wants to do the crummy, boring, laborious work anymore, unless they have to or are in transition.”