Month: <span>March 2025</span>

It is getting more ludicrous by the day.

Lets fire them, and rehire some of them. Lets put in place some tariffs, then lets not. Lets do it again, but then we can give a reprieve on the things that matter to us and our corporations. Lets fire as many probationary positions as possible. They can’t fight back. More Doge please, lets claw…

Charles Handy, early business management philosopher. 92 yrs old

Charles Handy, early business management philosopher. 92 yrs old. He was just trying to have a better life, make a buck, have a career, whatever that meant and enjoy his efforts… a kindred spirit. Handy’s 1989 book, “The Age of Unreason,” forecast faster and more unpredictable change—since then delivered by the internet, terrorism, smartphones, the…

They surround me everywhere I go.

For some reason, almost all conversations I have, whether north or south, all end in Politics. I am mostly known to these people as a Massachusetts Liberal. If I want to rile them up, I say “I actually was born in Connecticut”. The eye rolls, then the groans can be heard for miles. So they…