Month: <span>February 2023</span>

Good Old Chip.

Chip October 2021 Chip has been a primary character in the “Tales of Sturbridge” I have yet to write the tales … but Chip will be front and center.

Business 101 v2023

“The way I see it, (insert any business) there are four cultural problems,” “They are all the natural consequences of having a money-printing machine called ———— ….. hiding all other sins. The natural consequences are (1) no mission, (2) no urgency, (3) delusions of exceptionalism, (4) mismanagement.” Happens to both employee and management. “ as…

NYT OPINION, Bait words, Men, Respect or Purpose.

This applies and has applied to men and women, forever. French, made it clear that “Walsh” used bait words. The article does have a clear military angle, which only those in the military fully understand. Respect is sometimes a dangerous road, purists, fundamentalists … it could get ugly. Respect, as in kindness, understanding and helpfulness…

Control. Losing control makes one see things a bit clearer.

it’s almost 4 weeks now, no driving, no strenuous exercise, no sneaking off for an ice cream. I couldn’t wait for a car when I was 16, and I can’t wait for one when I’m 58 … holy cow, this is ridiculous. Firstly, Shelley does not drive fast enough… unless she is fighting with a…