Month: <span>July 2022</span>

Boston Globe – Title IX and what to do …

Girls rule and Boys drool – ( I had to look up how to spell drool – I am definitely a boy, just a really old boy). Way slower and than my sisters, cousins, the neighborhood girls, in both education and sports … until I wasn’t, it just took way longer. Now that I play…

WSJ comment family loans …

This works like a charm, is easy and the reality is …. you are really lending them the money, they will likely inherit anyway. Why wait. Now you semi-control it and see it in action. The One Place You Can Still Get a 3% Home Loan: Your Family

WSJ The One Place You Can Still Get a 3% Home Loan: Your Family

This works like a charm, is easy and the reality is …. you are really lending them the money, they will likely inherit anyway. Why wait. Now you semi-control it and see it in action. Win/Win The One Place You Can Still Get a 3% Home Loan: Your Family

WSJ Diverging Jobs Data Raise Questions About Labor Market Health

This is an ongoing debate in my circle of friends, family – some are workers .. and some are the check writers and owners. $40k – 1.2 …. no one is happy . I talk out both sides of my mouth as a check writer … I hire, fire and need human capital, use it….

Adaptability, Age and Pickleball.

As I get older and older …. This is my birthday week …. I have begun to really like this word. It says “easy going, flexible, able to adjust” It also says, “Change it up, I’ll consider it …. give it a try, move forward. In Pickleball context, gauge the competition …. sometimes you slam,…

Extroverts vs. Introverts both are self fulfilling prophecies. Know your nature, develop what you can and accept the rest.

Extroverts – Gain energy by spending time with othersHearing and giving opinions with lots of failure. Talk to anyone and think out loudGlass almost always half fullGenerally more outgoing and friendlyBeing alone is good for a short time, then depressing. Introverts Social introvert. Private lifestyle choiceThinking introvert. Thinking introverts are quiet-genius types.Anxious introvert. Always wondering…