Been there and done that in the Howard Theories …

Enthusiasm is only a part, a token motivator to help you or your tribe get somewhere. It is needed most of the time, as in ingredient, and almost always necessary to push “ just a little farther“. They call it zest, as in one has zest, a positivity. I’ll give it to them.

Self Improvement is selfish. The word ”Too” is the issue. Improvement swings both negative and positive. Think about that in a good / bad sort of way. Improvement almost always makes one better, like practice or being aware or cognizant of things. It makes your life easy … but what of others ?

… “too” on the other hand implies greed, selfishness, ruthlessness … extra and over the top. It gets lonely there, being so self improved. So perfect.

One has to take care of oneself, to do good, be wise and help others. When those few things happen it has ripple effects. Guaranteed.

Ethel used to say be nice, helpful and moderation in everything goes a long way. Even in self improvement.