In no specific order:
Well, for the dullards it is quite difficult, as they do not practice good habits and are simply not curious.
For bad habit people or adrenaline junkies, they can be drawn from boredom, but not usually in a good and lasting way.
For the privileged and 1st worlders, being curious is simply a habit, and further … a “honed” habit. They’re usually never bored for long, and when it arrives, they do something about it.
When you are poor, third world or at war with something, boredom does not exist.
AA has a method or stroke of genius … ”move a muscle, change a thought”
It’s the dullards, one might feel bad for.
The Howard Theory on boredom. Boredom does not exist, boring people do. Being curious one of those foundational human traits we all have, but need to nourish.
One might even go so far to theorize … this boredom issue and the fact that modern life is almost too easy, and feeds the boredom beast, might be part of our decline, as a species.