Which is more powerful ? Reward is more powerful, but not always easy to do; punishment is easy, but it really only has a short term effect and is likely to be harmful when utilized regularly.

First reality, this is a power and control issue, a primary vs a secondary. 2 “Party” issue.

Secondly, knowledge, time and hard work will make you a Primary, but if you have no EQ or no EI (look it up), you will have a harder time using Reward management as it requires a Pre-emptive working/ thinking style to be ahead of another person or group.

Once you manage your own ability to Reward much of life is quite easy.

Punishment allows that control to motivate quickly through blunt trauma. It can work, although no one enjoys it. And there are alway the “belligerents” who hate to be coerced that way regardless.

The small caveat here, or maybe tool, or the dream …. is that one could use both and let that be the most powerful teaching moment possible. Easy in a small group … harder in a big group.

there are more layers here, an entire spectrum really, but chasing every ”what if”, becomes work, and some people, just need a good scolding.