Month: <span>January 2022</span>

How to get to someones core beliefs quickly and determine ”how friendly do you want to be.”

We’re old now .. and this is definitely a Howard Theory. When you know most of these answers from someone, you have a good idea as to how solid a human being they are; What qualities they operate by. Are they trusting? Do they operate with skepticism ? Forgiving ? Is their head in the…

NVDA has left me at the dance, greed has got me again.

Howard’s NSA – Grit

Have a desire and wish, that is big picture and long term – attain some of the skills, study and practice – then don’t stop working at it. The first parts are fairly easy to do, the grit says “do not quit”. Already a Howard theory. Live and be deliberate – Be the ball and…

These are my Theories. They are rooted in a life well lived, at least I think so. They operate on the ROI platform and have done so for almost 50 years. Originally done for my entertainment, for my kids, and then a long line of others who gave me their theories. These are real and lived. My latest hobby, WSJ and NYT Comments … It is fun playing judge and jury.

(Such a first world way to live, embarrassing)