Month: <span>July 2017</span>

New House Theory #3

Putting 5 or 6 carpenters together with a lot of sticks and foam together, then add and engineer, a dirt guy, someone from the building dept., electrical dept, conservation, the dumpster, 4 tradesmen, a half baked set of plans, an owner with time … dozens of loads of sand and stone. Results – working chaos,…

Theory of next. 2017

The “Theory of next” is a double edged sword. I love the theory, “next, new and more”, it gets you further, better and creates experiences you otherwise would not have.  (Glory) I hate the theory, next and new is always short lived, like a drug.  (I am addict) “More”, is only that, more.  (This, I…

The Box, A Barn Life –

Barn Life –  It came to him in Eastham.  Firmed up in Cedar Key. Built in Sturbridge It was the summer of 2015, they had been on Cape Cod for many vacations, but last summer and this summer they were full time residents.  They were seriously considering a permanent move, just some details to workout….

New House Theory #2

New House Theory #2 – When you put 5 – 6 guys together, a whole pile of sticks, foam, shingles and windows together and the weather cooperates, magic can happen. Team work based on individual strengths is really art in motion.  (seriously)

Birthday Theory –

Birthday Theory –  Birthdays should be celebrated.  Simple.  Happy Birthday Howard !

RML Theories

RML Theories What is the SOP on this ?  …. this is a moving target Can’t teach this stuff  (w/sarcasm) ….   “when the obvious is completed” All else fails, yell Andy’s name, it seems to make everyone feel better.  Thankfully Andy is good natured. The team – Bob – Chairman, he is happy he…

Scrapper Management Theory

( I do not subscribe to this theory.  I have seen this theory in action as a way of life for some, I’ve seen the damage.)   Scrapper Management Theory: A willingness to lie to oneself; to delude, distort or otherwise self-protect with malice. To knowingly, willingly have the ability to lie, deceive and ultimately…