Month: <span>January 2017</span>

Marriage Theory –

Marriage Theory – Remember Howard  ..  John said    “It isn’t about being  .. told.. what to do, but …doing… what you are told” from the quick whitted John M, at the 6th hole of Ocala National, on the wisdom of marriage.

Ex-presidents win.

Now they are at the BV Islands.

I have a new conspiracy theory …

I have a new conspiracy theory … There always needs to be a reset of the “Agenda” This is a sacrificial 4 -8 years, to create a new 30-40 yr liberal agenda. So far he has everyone on edge. Its working.

Alternative Fact Theory – I’m was in sales and used

Election Theory 4  – Alternative Fact Theory – I’m was in sales and used alternative fact theory all the time. Ask Other Sales Reps.

Election Update 3

Still in mourning, but the entertainment value is very high. My friends who voted the wrong way are quietly a little embarrased, but publicly blame the media.    

Election Theory update …

Election Theory update … Obama is the clear winner …  he is on his way to Palm Springs. Everyone else …. not so much.