There will be no political leanings here.  Suffice it to say that the “writers” tend to lean one way and the “receivers” tend to lean another.  Except me.

The marked difference between the two …  is the extent the “writers” will go to get  something accomplished and the extent of the “receivers” will go to avoid being fully responsible.

Having been a “writer’ for more years than I can remember and being a “writer” on many fronts,  I am now beginning to desire being  a “receiver”.

It most likely will not work out because of impatience, but I would like to dream.

The “writers” make a lot of the rules and receive most of the benefits, as they should, they assume risk.  The “receivers” usually are content enough because of small wage increases, a bonus structure, stock options, very little risk, token rewards and the world moves forward.

The greatest advantage is the that risk reward ratio that favors the “writers” is the profit, power and control of destiny – it is sweet.    The flaw is their is no real down time.  It sits on your shoulder.

The greatest advantage to being a “receiver”  is that Friday always arrives, a check always arrives, your time off, is yours.  That “seems” really sweet.

I have enjoyed being a “writer”,  unlikely I can be a receiver, but someday I want to try.

The “receivers” always have to answer to somebody … from the ceo to the janitor,  sometimes the janitor has it a little better.  No jet, but no jet lag. Conversely, a jet, warm weather in 4 hrs.  That’s more about me.

The “writers” have to answer to themselves, that just gets old.  That’s also more about me.

I know way more “receivers” than “writers”  – the receivers are a bit happier and have a good balance.  The “writers” cannot really get enough, it is their flaw.

I am not sure there is a theory here, I may just be ranting.  But since this site is mine …