Month: <span>March 2015</span>

Purposeful Distraction Rant 2015 – do not be sold, Buy.

Purposeful Distraction 2015  – This theory will seem ridiculous to most pragmatic people, I know a few.  It will also seem ridiculous to those younger people going up the hill of life.  They can barely catch their breath. The modern existence had made the world so very flat, so very hurried, so very slow.  It is the…

Clarity – 2015

Clarity of purpose – the first step is usually the hardest, the next step is simply “the work”, the third step is the commitment, the fourth step is acceptance.  The rest of the steps take care of themselves. You just hope you don’t have sellers remorse, this is where the  “49 / 51 ”  Theory starts…

remember “Marketers have an agenda” – you

remember “Marketers have an agenda”  – you

# 68 The difference a day can make –

# 68  The difference a day can make –  this relates to patience and persistence, then need and wants, then coated with pragmatic fairy dust. Poof, you find conviction, they find conviction – add dust, negotiate and poof it is done.