Month: <span>February 2015</span>

Doors are always available to open, just turn the handle.

Doors are always available to open, just turn the handle.

Practice 3 things as often as possible.

Practice 3 things as often as possible. –  It is only because I forget, that I preach. Kindness Mindfulness Generosity Because the experiences, both physical and mental, started young and the appetite for understanding “why” was as important, if not more important, than the actual answer to the problem. Because he has taken on personal and business movements, over…

Regrets are good, you thought, you tried, you likley learned something. Move on.

Regrets are good, you thought, you tried, you likley learned something. Move on. My regrets are simple, I should have done more or … sometimes I should have stopped.

# 256 – It’s the Lens

# 256 – It’s the Lens – start by seeing the glass half-full.  Give the benefit of the doubt, be positive and reasonable. Negative rarely helps, positive almost always helps –