Month: <span>October 2014</span>

Charlie & Chip – who is taking who, for a walk ?

Charlie arrived late last fall around Christmas, you can read about it in an earlier story.   Definitely a gift. This story is how a dog can allow you to make excuses, spend thousands, create friendships and otherwise make you happy. This property had trails, destination points, it went up and down and all around, it…

Land, Farmers and Economic Reality in 1984 – 2014

The farm had almost everything you could ask for, good buildings, open space, low cost labor and no mortgage.  There was upside everywhere you looked except where it mattered most.  The customer. The customer, who historically was your partner was quickly becoming adversarial.  I was told about it, but didn’t get it.  Lose a little…

We are predictably irrational … over and over.

We are predictably irrational … over and over.  If you step back, look at your life and its decisions, it becomes obvious.  It is having control of your irrational predictability that allows growth over stagnation. I have used this type of thought process over and over and never knew it had a name.  Growing something, Selling something, stealing…