Month: <span>August 2014</span>

Persistence #3 “True Grit”

Persistence – Having the internal Grit – to plan, execute and complete the task at hand – usually long term with follow through. It allows for adjustment and change and creates successful outcomes. This “Grit”  trumps the family you were born into, rich or poor, your skill sets or IQ, this trumps friends or religion…

to turn 50 …

to turn 50 … It has been about a month, I actually turned 50 in mid July… No fanfare.  Normally the big birthdays are a party, but by the 5th person asking SK about a party, well that was the end, no party.  She would not have any of that.  We may have my 50th…

most favorite book from childhood through to today…

most favorite book from childhood through to today… “The Giving Tree”    by Shel Silverstein The “Tree” only wants to help, do good and give what it can.  It stays loyal and forgiving.  I honor the tree.

Persistence #2

Almost all difficult tasks in your small business or your life, will succumb to your persistent efforts towards completion.