Month: <span>February 2014</span>


Chaos – confusion of the norm. Confusion of the norm is my preferred and simplistic definition.  There are deep and scientific definitions and scary definitions of Chaos. Since I am neither deep or like scary things, lets use confusion of the norm. If you insert a little chaos into your routine, I call it personal educational…

The Farm – first visit, the rest of your life.

He was 19, he was supposed to be at school.  School did not quite fit.  He could be in the car business, 20% ownership out of the gate.  He did not quite fit.  He had a few friends who worked summers on a farm. The work was hard but rewarding.  He almost fit, in theory.   He…

Managing Stress – use the power of stress.

Embrace challenge … Embrace effort.  It can create happiness and enhance your health. “If you worry and do nothing, it is simply unhealthy” by the stress of worry and concern. However, “if you worry and do something positive about it, then it is healthful”.  It becomes a mission. The science behind this is in the Brain, it has…

Idea Development

A Howard Theory in its development stage is about a 24-36 hr process, tops. 1. you have an opportunity …. or new idea … 2. you then compare this to your historical, random thought process inside your brain, analyzing how close or how far this from being real and practical …. 3. you then recalibrate the idea…

wisdom –

pursuit of wisdom – these 4 items can be attained by anyone about anything. knowledge, skills, effort, character, stir those things together, let it sit over night, sprinkle it with common sense and I think you may get some wisdom. H.

Pets and the Farm 3 – The Chickens and the Sheep.

Pets and the Farm 3 -The Chickens and the Sheep The farm was large by any standard, 300 acres, plus or minus. Just outside Boston, it was in Millis, a small “townies” type of town.  It was the poor cousin for every town around it.  The owners were a Boston family that had appreciated land, history and…