Charlie is home – Clarification – this is Charlie the dog, not Charlie the Goat, aka Charlie-lama.  Charlie-lama was originally Charlie the Goat, a transplant from NH, he was Shelley’s fathers goat.  Charlie the goat had the wisdom of the ages in him.

But I digress.

This is about Charlie the dog, a Border Collie, rescued from Buddy Dog over in Sudbury.  Second time one of our dogs came from there.  We sort of needed a dog.

But  .. I really needed a dog.  It is 4:30am on Christmas morning, Charlie and I have already been out.  Thanks to him I have been outside more in the last 2 weeks than in the last 2 months.

He loves roaming the woods, the field, he is passionate about being out there.  The house is happier, the greeting you receive when you come home is exceptional.  He puts a smile on Shelley’s face and a big grin on mine.

His history on paper said, “slightly aggressive”, he is anything but aggressive, he just needed a job.  Just like me.  Makes no difference what it is, Border Collies have to have work, it is their nature.  This makes a 4th Border collie in my life, but probably a 6th or 7th for Shelley.

Dogs, cats, a pig, goats, a horse or 2, maybe chickens – It is like icing on the cake for those that love animals.  30 years ago, it started w/ Apollo.

Charlie also has a new cousin named Murphy, a black lab puppy.  Murphy is coming for Christmas breakfast I think.

I am choosing Charlie as my Christmas present.

Merry Christmas  –