Month: <span>December 2013</span>

December 31, 2013

Most of the theories have been outed.  There are more and will be dispersed after they are reviewed.  Some have humor, some are serious but all have meaning to me on some level and I like to share. Short stories will still come along – – Apple Knoll Farm Chronicles – Alstead – we hardly…

go make some mistakes …

Mistakes are nothing more than new opportunities.  These new opportunities are  just coming through a different door.  (this is not a rationalization either, more like acceptance to learning.) g0 make some mistakes .. try it, … it will be fun.


Happiness is fairly simple – its foundation is in gratitude – Being grateful for where you came from, for your parents and grandparents and great grandparents – Being grateful for siblings Being grateful for friends Being grateful for spouses, children and grandchildren Being grateful for sun and rain; for nature. Being grateful for enjoyable work. Being…

Charlie is home –

Charlie is home – Clarification – this is Charlie the dog, not Charlie the Goat, aka Charlie-lama.  Charlie-lama was originally Charlie the Goat, a transplant from NH, he was Shelley’s fathers goat.  Charlie the goat had the wisdom of the ages in him. But I digress. This is about Charlie the dog, a Border Collie, rescued from Buddy Dog over…

Be your own Budda –

Be your own Budda – Find the quiet. The silence, the privacy of free thought and revelation.  There is nothing wrong with quiet, but hard to do in current times.  Technology is a double edged sword. A similar theory is on – Susan Cain, power of introverts.

Pets and the Farm – 2

Apollo, the 1/2 Shepard – 1/2 Doberman dog, was a handsome, slightly dopey looking dog that came to the farm within weeks of my farm arrival.   He was fairly large, barked when ever a car pulled in and did his job well. There are many, many, great Apollo stories, almost all having to do with rocks, wood…

# 98 & 99 – victory

Small continuous victories make a good life – A chocolate frappe or a few Lobsters are great examples of small victories. A good run or a hike – maybe a good grade – Coffee ? out early on a Friday – the beach … is this about me or just examples ?? If one wanted to be a little…