Month: <span>November 2013</span>

Alstead #3

… Over the course of time, some random weekends, 2 full growing seasons, we visited this “Honaleigh”.   Sometimes the visitors were known, other times the visitors were not.  It was always a surprise when we arrived, as to what we would find. The entry was now 600 feet in, not to the top yet, but…

# 25 – not sure?

25.  When you’re not sure of a question or an answer, ASK.    There’s no harm in clarification. There’s great harm in sounding like an idiot, after its to late.

# 5 – learn & teach

5.  Practice what you preach –  learn, teach, help.  If you have had the thought, can act on thought, if it will do no harm and enhance yourself and others.  Go ahead.

# 4 Mentor

4.   If you want to help yourself & make a huge impact on this earth spend time with a child … yours, a niece, nephew, the kid up the street.   Be a mentor.  

Not really a theory or a story but an op-ed – Demographics

Demographics –  So few things are as important and under-utilized on a personal level as demographics.  There is big picture demographics, which you hear about when it comes from governments or institutions.  Only certain people hear that noise about youth, aging,  health care, investing or natural resources and can grasp it personally and globally.  They use it.  It is simply too big…

# 11 Patience

11.  Patience usually pays off, so does persistence.  Being a little lucky is even better.

#123 Busy and

#123  Busy and productive almost always bears fruit, sometimes the fruit is good, other times it just leaves a bad taste.  Go figure.


115.  Having it “all” is great, but it is not as much fun as trying to have it all or as fulfilling.

# 114 H-2, the second coming

#114  All who wander are not lost …   –   whether you are 16 – 26 – 46 or 66 –

# 35 – RBH

35.  Richard B. Harris has been Quoted as saying – “This is that” – Never a truer word been spoke.    Think about comparative analysis thinking.