Demographics – So few things are as important and under-utilized on a personal level as demographics. There is big picture demographics, which you hear about when it comes from governments or institutions. Only certain people hear that noise about youth, aging, health care, investing or natural resources and can grasp it personally and globally. They use it. It is simply too big for the majority.
The vast majority are simply to busy, uninterested, incapable or do not care, they have to go to work. They work for the system, against the system or with the system. My fear, is they do not realize it is a system.
Can you tell – flaming liberal or ultra conservative ?
Being born in 1964, I am fortunate to being able to be part of and follow one of the largest demographic groups ever. From them, there is only one message, change it up. Early baby boomers were not the same a middle nor the latter baby boomers. I should not judge, but their wave naturally changed the way we operate, care and live.
A population numbers game. Housing, technology, town planning, shopping, even self serve gasoline and now small grocery carts. We could easily repeat the best parts, the rest is an education in what not to do. Personally, I liked only using what worked and not repeating the mistakes. Why do things the hard way.
Some of my earliest work experience and personal experience had me spending time with WW II Vets and people who saw the first great depression. This group was not much for change, they had – had enough. It was always their quiet perseverance that was remarkable. Their acceptance of all, is what surrounded me. I did not always like it. They were mechanics to engineers to bank presidents, to third generation business owners to public employees. Personally, I liked the stability. Seems like leading by example. Pretty simple to follow.
My decision making came fairly easy; use “then” current experience and combine it with looking backward at history, before moving forward. We all have this great access tool if we just use it, even a little.
This is where demographics get close and personal. In our current married families, based on the pictures on walls, old letters and the pictures on my smartphone there are immigrants, there is hard labor work, there are babies, there are marriages, divorce 1930’s style, apartments, houses, fancier houses, the city, the country. There new jobs, old jobs, education, children, grand children, dementia, heart disease. That was only up to 1950. That cycle then repeats itself 2 more times. Perspective is everything, and acceptance is right behind perspective.
If recent history is any indication, the long demographic cycles of rise and fall, on a national or international scale will continue. That goes back eons. Technology, health, greed, religion and population, pick the order that works for you.
However in our personal lives, we only need to look back a generation or 2 and not repeat the same mistakes, take the good and the pass it on. Easier to say, than do – but try. Thank you for reading.