Month: <span>November 2013</span>

Continual Education

Continual Education – go to the website –   There is so much here, it is remarkable.  Use the search box and key words. Once again, Shelley sent me here for my continued education.

Failure #4

Most business people who fail, simply give up the fight too early. If you have thought it through, made a plan, built flexibility  into the plan and can be persistent – you should be successful enough to determine if you really want it.  (be careful, you may dislike what you created, be careful of that)

Failure # 3

Failure # 3  – mistakes or failures are very often the best teaching tools out there.  By reaching out of the comfort zone there is freedom.

Failure #2

Take responsibility for the failure, take responsibility for yourself and your actions – – make no grand excuses, it gives your power away.

Failure –

Failure is usually self inflicted  –   this is why it always pays to think first and act second. sometimes called “operator error”

Aja and Izzy – the instigators – pets and the farm Chapter 1

Animal stories will continue and evolve – there seem to be a lot of them.  We have Rambo and Shabbon and hundreds of chickens, more horses, more goats, a pig, a slaughter house, another slaughter house – lamb and hay and sheep.  The day Sam discovered we were a “Pozer” farm.   Embellishment is never really needed when it…

Quoted –

Quoted –  This used to happen frequently, years ago.  It is happening again and I am enjoying it.  Thanksgiving week 2013. “I believe that is #16 ”  –  I was told.   A quick grin came across my face and their face.  Then a 3rd person smiled also. It is wonderful, when the small handful of your…


9a – Think first – then act –  Once you act, go swiftly and strongly.  Go big, all in.

#28 important phrase

28.  A very important phrase:    “I appreciate what you have done”,  …  taking a person for granted, their kindness, their time, their energy and their work. I am not always good at this. But I work at it.

#33 – the ny sage …

33.     Ethel Bodie Mason, the wily New York sage, said it best – “Everything in Moderation” My grandmother, who lived to be in her 90’s. (Try this for perspective – oil lamps to gas lamps to electricity  or  horses in the streets, to steam cars, to motor cars, to planes to jet travel.  All in…