Month: <span>August 2013</span>

# 300 – freedom comes from understanding control

As relevant as it has always been … – I believe that no one quite understands that freedom of choice comes from control first, then money second –   control rules work, play, income, priorities ….  control.  Have discipline. So the question becomes “ to what end?”  or  “What do you want in the end” Right there you…

10b – actually, attitude, is your …

10b – actually, attitude is  –  your public face, to everyone, personal or not.  Does that help clarify ??

10a – positive or negative

# 10a  –  However, having “attitude” positive or negative, when you are finished with something, should really tell you something. Pay attention.

#10 – positive attitude gets you the cream ..

#10 – positive attitude gets you the cream .. Making the best out of something with an open mind – the cream will always rise to the top.  Corny, simplistic, but true. Having a positive attitude when ever you start a project, whether school, home or work or even a vacation, is simply common sense….

# 5 it’s about me, caring about you.

The early bird almost always gets the worm … I know it is cliché, but the people who have their house under control, their kids happy, moving in the right direction  …  and are satisfied with their work, all at the same time.  All get up early – Getting up Early allows for private, quiet…

#21 – 22 and 23 …patience and forgiveness

21.  Religious or not, learn the Serenity prayer   (go look for it, reread it) 22.  If you want to help yourself & make a huge impact on this earth spend time with a child   … more later 23.  Helping others without becoming a enabler is also pretty cool  –