Month: <span>July 2013</span>

Land, open space and childhood.

The Reservoir – In every community there is some type of open space, park, reservoir.   Growing up in West Hartford CT, we were fortunate to have them all.  West Hartford is one of those few places where small town feel exists, even as it provides all the services that any community could want.  Although the taxes … still worth…

#26 – when

#26      The “When”  is sometimes all we need to know –  Not mine – stolen from Zen, borrowed from SDP There are many times you do the work, put in the energy to get it perfect – then plow through the end, not getting it quite right. “When” applies to execution, to do it correctly…

Wide? or Deep?

Do you live wide? or Do you live deep? (try a little of everything? or creature of habit?) In the land of H theories, you talk wide, consider wide, dabble at wide, but you really live deep.

#15 – smarter not ….

15. Take the high road whenever possible, it will get you where you want to go and need to be, faster. (read the words slowly, embrace them at your core)

Home – The Porch

Home sweet home • It is always easy to look back fondly at the house you grew up in. Whether 1850,1930, the 50’s, 70’s… we are all fortunate in someway. The stories that emanate from home and how it affects us forever is remarkable. There are kitchen stories, bathroom stories and porch stories. There are…

#7 _ Really number #1

Effort + Energy = Profit – it’s all about the ROI’S whether it is personal, business or family – this applies

First Howard Theory from the original

Howard Theories are like Saturdays, some work, some play, simply enjoyable.  Shelley gave the “Theories” a name.   First – It’s not about you, but the next generation you bring along.  Give them something to work with.   Theory 1 – Life is small victories, shared with family and friends. Corny and true.   1…